Mum’s are the best
I just want to get it out there: Mums are the best
I know, I know, I’m a bit biased now that I’m also a mum, but mainly it just confirms that it’s pretty bloomin’ tricky being a mum.
Adorable sticky cuddles, and even stickier and snottier kisses, are the perfect gift at the baby and toddler stage, but once kids are a little bit older, it’s time to up the game a little for Mother’s Day.
(Fear not, you still have plenty of time before Sunday 19th March ☺️)
A card is the first thing on the list (one of mine preferably!), but it turns out some other retailers also stock some nice cards, or something homemade always brings a smile.
Then, the gift. My golden rule is that something thoughtful is better than something expensive. You can’t beat a little handmade masterpiece or a cuppatea (as Amelia says) with biscuits in bed.
But my favourite way to say, ‘Mum, you are the best, thank you for everything you do,’ is flowers. A big, bright, beautiful bunch of flowers that feels like summer in a vase, so my to do list today is track down the most colourful bunch I can find.
My favourite photo of me, my lovely Mum and my brother enjoying a bit of summer Pimms ❤️
Ever since Amelia was born, I’ve leaned on my Mum more and more.
With my Mum’s amazing support, I’ve been able to take on big work projects, spend time on my art and when I had a real dip in my mental health last year, my Mum was there for me every step of the way. I’m so lucky, and I’m so thankful for her support every day.
I’m also incredibly fortunate to have Joe’s Mum and Nan in our lives. They have been a wonderful support to both me and Amelia, so generous with their love and their time.
(The Dads have also been great, but they can wait until June to hear how wonderful they are 😂)
I hope one day I can be even half the mum to Amelia that my Mum is to me.