May days
May is my favourite month of the year.
Obviously, I am a little bit biased, seeing as it's my birthday month, and I did have a very lovely birthday!
No parties this year (phew), but I did have two massages in 2 days and along with some lovely presents, I bought myself a super cute pair of sparkly trainers!
Anyway, May is my favourite month as Spring is in full swing and Summer is on it's way, and to take full advantage of that, at the start of the month we finally got our garden sorted!
This was the garden on the day we got the keys, 30th September:
The garden* hadn't been touched since April, when the house went on the market (*at this point, I think calling it a garden is a bit generous).
Luckily, knowing our lack of garden skills, my mum and stepdad helped tackle all of the bushes and the lawn* (again, I think using the word lawn is a bit generous), and so this was our glorious garden in April, after 6months of doing nothing:
(bonus points if you can spot both cats)
A few highlights to note:
1. The falling down fence on the righthand side, 2. The hideous pale brown mess that used to be a lawn, 3. The weird central flowerbed, 4. The ugly and slippery sleepers, 5. The tiny, weirdly shaped patio, with equally tiny, pointless wall, 6.The strange piles of rubble dotted around the garden
Me and the boyf had spent an entire weekend on just that silly, central flowerbed by this point and we realised that we would need a bit of help if we wanted to use the garden this year.
Cue a very green fingered and patient gardener and two quick and skilled carpenters and in just over two weeks, it became:
A real garden!
Look! It's green! It's healthy! It's stripy!
It's now 3 weeks later, and it's still green and healthy, no plant deaths yet and the sun has come out in force! We can't wait to finally be able to have people round to enjoy the Summer in our cute (and importantly, easy to maintain!) garden.
Right, the sun is still shining, so if you need me, I'll be in the garden.