Spring inspiration

So finally, Spring has sprung! Thank goodness, I didn't think it would ever stop drizzling.

Spring is the time for new beginnings, and as you may remember me mentioning once, or maybe twice... my spring has started with my brand new etsy shop! Please check it out and if you like my cards, please spread the word and send people my way!Since designing the cards, I've been thinking about what else I should stock in my shop, and recently I seem to be filling my sketchbooks with animal illustrations, here are a few I've been working on.fox flowersDaffodils are my favourite flowers, so bright, sunny and spring-y, so I love any chance to sneak them into a painting!easter bunniesI don't think all Easter bunnies are the same, I think some love their job, they are dedicated and serious bunny-types, whereas some others are a little more relaxed, they take the time to enjoy the flowers as they do their egg hiding duties!otterly adorableI have two words... otterly adorable :)adorable aardvarkI know an aardvark is an unusual choice, but after seeing you can bottle feed them at the zoo, I've found them fascinating. They had some aardvarks on the 'Secret life of zoos' programme on tv and they essentially spend all day snoozing on their backs, licking at imaginary termites in their sleep - too cute, I love them!twoo of a kindIt's official, life should have more puns - it took me days to come up with this one, and it's extra special as this was the illustration I did for my mum's mother's day card.llama loveAnd finally my loving llamas, no pun here unfortunately, but I am open to suggestions!These are what I've done so far, and now I just have to decide whether I want to sell them as cards or prints, or both - what do you think? Do you have a favourite?Thanks again for all your support, it all seems so exciting!



Where has the time gone?!


Drumroll please... my Etsy shop is now open!