Work hard, relax hard - wait, that doesn't sound right...
March began with a two week project in Geneva and ended with two glorious weeks relaxing at home. This was the first time I'd been onsite for 15 days and it felt like such a long time - I am definitely a homebody at heart!
Once the project got going, the production team left for home and I stayed on with the group of martial artists and a physio. The martial artists were all lovely and very different people and the physio was brilliant, keeping my spirits up and keeping me sane! As quite a shy person, spending a fortnight with a group of strangers was quite intimidating, but luckily (this is not the right word), we were all in such a small cosy room, we got to know each other very quickly and it taught me a few things about myself:1. I should be less vocal about my love of all things Disney - it makes people think your head is filled with fluffy kittens and rainbows...2. I will never be comfortable in business clothes - jeans for the win3. I have an entirely impractical selection of shoes - the comfy ones don't quite have the grip for walking on wooden ramps and the smart ones leave me with no feeling in my toes!4. I should spend more time with groups of people my age - it turns out they are lots of fun5. I am awful at quick fire questions - when asked what is the thing I use too much of and should live without, most people answered 'mobile phone' or 'the internet'... I said moisturiser... seriously, who says that, it doesn't even make sense?!Anyway, here is a little sketch of the performance, just as the heroine beckons the baddies towards her so she can take them down! We had two female ninjas throughout the performance run and they were both so impressive and fierce, it was amazing to watch!So after two weeks of going bright red when answering any quick fire questions and losing my patience a few times with bad time keeping, the boyf met me at the airport and brought me home.The plan for being back at home was to get back into a routine of yoga, reading blogs, painting and building on contacts for future projects... Two out of four isn't too bad...One of my favourite blogs that I wanted to catch up on was the Skunkboy blog, my sketch below is inspired by one of the Autumn outfits Katie wore last year. It's such a cute blog, with crafts, fashion and little updates on her family life, and not least her gorgeous hairstyles, which I'm sure many of you will have seen on pinterest!
Also, as the boyf was banned from watching any of my (numerous) tv shows while I was away, our planner was stacked, so I've spent quite a few pyjama days indulging on everything I've missed! One that I've especially enjoyed is Indian Summers, about British rule in India in the 1930s. I've found the storyline pretty addictive and I love the 30s fashion. This sketch is inspired by one of the characters, Leena, and admittedly it looks a little like a passport photo, but I thought I'd share it anyway!
Now that I'm fully recuperated after 2 weeks of (let's be honest) laziness, I'm determined to be more productive with my days at home. I'm hopefully working on a project with another agency in the coming weeks, (which I am beyond excited about!) and I have projects pencilled in until the end of the year, so now that I don't have to worry too much about finding work, I am going to fill my home-days with some painting projects to share on the blog!So, hopefully we can expect some more regular illustration updates both here and on my Facebook page!Finally, here is the painted version of a sketch I shared in the January post - I normally do sketching and painting in separate batches, so sketches can go naked for weeks before seeing any paint!