Week 2 - events life

This week held my first event of 2014. I spent most of the week onsite at glamorous Birmingham, where we had a conference and gala dinner for 700ish people.

As well as my usual role of supporting the production and logistics team, I coordinated the gala dinner - a task I found a little scary to say the least! We had set and staging, sound checks and rehearsals, ice sculpture table centres and various performers.The technical and catering teams were amazing and so experienced, so the evening pretty much ran itself, but it didn't stop me being incredibly nervous that something might go wrong! I mainly spent the day double checking that everything was in place and on time, and the evening enjoying the entertainment!The room looked great, especially the ice table centres. I can't share a photo (due to client logos everywhere you look), but here is a little sketch to show how they looked.Table centres(Apologies for the dodgy quality of my images - my scanner and camera seem to be conspiring against me!)We had a wreath of lovely flowers (no idea what kind!) to girly up the table a little bit, branded menus and some sparkly red stars scattered across the tables to pick up on the lighting around the room. The table centres, themselves, had lighting that was all linked together, meaning all sixty tables were in sync as the lighting changed.All in all, the evening was a success and the clients were super happy. The band that closed the night with a two hour set were brilliant, nothing beats a live band!The only thing I would do differently next time, is perhaps wear different shoes... I was in agony by the time I was walking back to the hotel, but I suppose that is the punishment for wearing shoes stolen from my Mum!



It's all about me!


Week 1 - a little house hunting